Beethoven and Migraines

Nothing kicks off a migraine like Beethoven’s 5th symphony.


We finally made it to the symphony this week for the first time in a year or so. We’ve gone with our homsechool group for years (to the field trip version which randomly includes refrigerators, beat boxing and 40 yr old women play acting as children). Migraines aside, Beethoven this week was perfect. Sometimes I can’t relate to the music they play at the symphony (although I always enjoy it), but who can’t relate to Beethoven? He’s the original full range of feels.

Once, when I was super postpartum with one of my kids, we all went to the symphony… during that stage where the ergo is permanently tattooed to one’s hips, and all of the tears and things are still flowing like the opposite of the land of milk and honey. I couldn’t go in because the sweet, rule following ancient ushers didn’t want the baby to be inside the inner sanctum. I completely understood and so pawned my older children off on friends and listened to the music from the lobby. About halfway through, a kind extra ancient gentleman usher had pity on me and let me go sit in the back. I vividly remember sitting in the chair, jiggling the ergo (hoping the baby didn’t realize I’d sat down), not really paying attention to the music, but something snapped. Sometimes when you’re not paying attention to the music, the music is still paying attention to you. I don’t even know what piece it was, but nothing compares to hearing a live symphony. It wraps around you, and comes up the bottoms of your feet. It’s nothing like listening to the same piece on even the most expensive sound system., and so I started bawling. Every phrase and line was like balm to my poor, traumatized post partum self.

I’m passed that phase (thank goodness), but the magic of the symphony never ceases. My more musical kids were almost frozen (the boy version of frozen) with the awe of it.

Beethoven wasn’t to blame for the migraine (luck of the draw), but I’m seriously at my wit’s end with these things and will try anything if anyone has any suggestions. So far I’ve got a pantry full of different prescription meds. I’ve tried acupuncture, chiropractic, various forms of magnesium, supplements and cbd topical cream. They all help in varying ways, but not enough to make a dent. I end up wearing sunglasses, puking in the random trashcan and praying I don’t decapitate a student for clicking their pen off and on or breathing too loudly.

I’d blast Beethoven’s 5th at anyone who dares misbehave if that wasn’t super counterproductive.